Sharm Tank Vol. 23

Happy Friday,

A few things before we begin!

Last week I asked you guys what newsletter format you preferred and the results were split almost exactly 50/50. I debated how I should handle this, so I think we’ll do the best of both worlds.

I’ll still keep a “Main Course” story as the headliner for the newsletter, but will also include smaller stories and tidbits in case you’re in a rush.

This week’s newsletter is not sponsored at all (none of them are). We are just very excited about Triple Whale’s new product and wanted to highlight its exciting capabilities.

Two weeks ago, at The Whalies, Triple Whale introduced a groundbreaking tool, setting a new course for ecommerce analytics.

Meet Moby.

Designed to simplify the complexities of digital data, Moby promises to transform how brands monitor and leverage their ecommerce metrics for growth.

Moby isn't just another analytics tool—it's a guide through the vast sea of ecommerce data, designed to provide actionable insights that drive sustainable growth.

Here’s a quick video breaking down what Moby is:

Now let’s dive into what makes Moby so special…


  1. Instant Query Responses:

    • Ask Moby directly through its ChatGPT-like interface and get the answer instantly, without sifting through data manually.

  2. In-Depth Analysis with Reasoning:

    • Moby goes beyond simple responses by analyzing underlying trends and offering reasoning, providing deeper insights into sales drivers and consumer behavior.

  3. Automated Reporting:

    • Set up Moby to automatically generate and send these reports to your inbox, tailored to the frequency and format you prefer, ensuring you’re always informed with minimal effort.

  4. Advanced Analytical Tools:

    • Offers a built-in SQL editor, allowing power users to execute complex queries and derive custom insights.

  5. Prescribed Data Exploration:

    • Utilize a library of pre-built templates for common e-commerce scenarios to get started quickly. These templates are designed based on expert insights and are customizable to fit your specific needs.

  6. Sequences for Strategic Insights:

    • Schedule "Sequences"—automated prompts that pull data, analyze it, and provide strategic insights. For instance, track new vs. returning customers monthly and adjust marketing strategies based on trends identified by Moby.

SQL-Based Chat: A Data Analyst's Dream

Moby isn't just about simplicity; it also caters to our power users who crave depth and control over their data analysis. Here’s how the SQL-based chat feature stands out:

  • Functionality: Moby integrates a SQL editor within its interface, allowing users to directly input SQL queries. This feature is perfect for those who are comfortable with database language and need to perform complex data manipulations or retrieve very specific information that standard queries might not cover.

  • Use Case: Say you want to analyze the efficiency of your marketing spend across different platforms. Instead of relying on preset metrics, you can write a custom SQL query to compare cost per acquisition (CPA) against the lifetime value (LTV) of customers from each channel, enabling a much more detailed insight into your return on investment.

  • Strategic Benefit: This level of granularity helps us make more informed decisions by understanding exactly where our marketing dollars are having the most impact, ensuring that our budgets are always targeted towards the most profitable channels.

an example of what Moby’s chat feature look like

Types of Boards & Use Cases

  1. Sales Performance Board

    • Functionality: This Board tracks sales data across different channels in real-time, comparing current performance against historical data and forecasts.

    • Use Case: Perfect for performance marketers to monitor ongoing campaigns, seasonal performance, or the impact of promotions and discounts. It provides a clear view of which strategies are working and which might need tweaking.

    • Strategic Benefit: Ensures that our marketing and sales strategies are agile, allowing for quick pivots based on current market trends and consumer behavior.

  2. Inventory and Supply Chain Management Board

    • Functionality: Visualizes inventory levels, supply chain operations, and logistics data to ensure that we are keeping pace with demand without overstocking.

    • Use Case: Ideal for our operations team to maintain optimal inventory levels and streamline supply chain processes, particularly useful during peak shopping seasons or around new product launches.

    • Strategic Benefit: Reduces the risk of stockouts and excess inventory, thereby minimizing costs and maximizing efficiency.

  3. Customer Insights Board

    • Functionality: Aggregates customer data to highlight demographics, purchasing patterns, and satisfaction metrics.

    • Use Case: Useful for customer service and marketing teams to tailor communications, develop targeted marketing strategies, and enhance customer engagement based on detailed customer insights.

    • Strategic Benefit: Improves customer satisfaction and loyalty by ensuring that our strategies are aligned with customer preferences and feedback.

  4. Marketing ROI Board

    • Functionality: Compares the return on investment (ROI) across different marketing channels and campaigns.

    • Use Case: Enables our marketing team to assess the effectiveness of various advertising campaigns and channels, measuring metrics like cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), and overall engagement.

    • Strategic Benefit: Optimizes marketing spend by focusing resources on the most profitable channels and techniques, ensuring that our budget is always spent on the highest-yielding activities.

  5. Product Development Insights Board

    • Functionality: Collects and displays feedback and performance data for existing and prototype products.

    • Use Case: Essential for product development teams to gauge market response and gather actionable insights during the product testing phase.

    • Strategic Benefit: Enhances product offerings by integrating real-time consumer feedback into the development process, ensuring that new products meet market needs and preferences.

An example of a custom board from Moby

I know that may have been a bit dense, so let’s get into some fun stuff…

Campaign of the Week: Steve Jobs but for Shampoo

Channeling a tech entrepreneur, actor Owen Wilson introduces hair and body care products for California Naturals, not tech gadgets, in a commercial co-written by him.

Known for his distinctive on-screen persona, Wilson’s engagement with the brand extends beyond being a mere spokesperson; he is deeply involved as an investor, advisor, and now the face of the brand.

This partnership marks a strategic move by California Naturals to differentiate itself in the crowded beauty market by choosing a male celebrity for its traditionally female-dominated product line, aiming to inject novelty and appeal into its marketing strategy.

Retail Closures Impact Emerging Brands: The Foxtrot Shutdown

Foxtrot's sudden shutdown of all 33 locations has left emerging brands like Spring & Mulberry facing significant inventory challenges and financial losses.

After a strenuous effort to enter Foxtrot’s retail chain, Spring & Mulberry and other small brands now find their products stranded in distribution centers. The closure is part of a larger trend affecting specialty multi-brand retailers, which have been a crucial platform for young food and beverage companies trying to break into retail.

With the collapse of similar stores like Showfields and Neighborhood Goods, options for these startups to gain market exposure are diminishing. This series of retail failures underscores the volatility in the retail sector and the high risks small brands face when depending on such platforms for growth.

Meta's AI-Driven Ad Revenue Soars

Meta's first-quarter earnings reveal a significant boost in revenue, driven by its AI-powered ad tool, Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns, which doubled in revenue compared to last year.

Overall, Meta reported a 27% revenue increase to $36.5 billion, with advertising accounting for 97% of this. Despite rising operational costs, the average ad price also grew by 6%. Amid these gains, Meta unveiled a new AI assistant, Meta AI powered by Llama 3, emphasizing its continued investment in AI technology.

However, the company forecasts a potential dip in revenue for the next quarter, expecting between $36.5 billion to $39 billion, slightly below analyst expectations.

Impact of Potential Acquisitions on DTC Beauty Brands Glossier and Rare Beauty

Glossier and Rare Beauty, known for their direct-to-consumer innovation in the beauty industry, may face significant changes in marketing strategies if acquired by larger corporations.

Experts suggest that while acquisitions by companies like LVMH could offer increased distribution and access to resources, they might also lead to more conservative marketing approaches due to corporate governance.

This shift could replace the brands' disruptive, community-driven tactics with traditional advertising and celebrity endorsements, potentially diluting the unique brand voices that set them apart in the competitive beauty market.

B2B Marketers Embrace B2C Advertising Strategies to Stand Out

B2B marketers are increasingly adopting B2C marketing strategies, blurring the lines between professional and personal advertising spaces.

As the marketplace grows more crowded, B2B brands like Workday and Notion are engaging audiences through consumer channels such as TikTok and streaming platforms, utilizing emotive and humorous content to enhance brand visibility.

This shift includes expanding media strategies and storytelling to elevate brand awareness, moving away from traditional corporate messaging towards more relatable, human-centered communications.

Google Delays Third-Party Cookie Phase-Out to 2025 Amid Regulatory and Industry Challenges

Google has announced another postponement in its plan to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome, now setting the target for early 2025.

This delay, the third since the initial announcement in 2020, comes as Google navigates complex regulatory reviews and industry feedback regarding its Privacy Sandbox tools. These tools are intended to replace cookies without compromising competition, but have faced criticism for being complex and potentially too powerful

 The U.K. Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is closely involved, requiring thorough tests and reviews to ensure the new tools meet competitive standards without undermining user privacy.

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